Foundations of Nutrition: What is Best?

Dog being fed a treatChoosing a natural dog food

When it comes to your furry friend's health, nutrition is the foundation of a long and happy life. In our Foundations of Nutrition series we'll explore the fundamentals of pet nutrition and decode the elements of a complete and balanced diet.

We all want the best for our dogs, but when it comes to their diet, making the right choices can be hard! One essential decision is choosing between natural dog food and processed alternatives.


1. Packed with Real Goodness

Natural dog food is exactly what it sounds like: real, whole ingredients that are minimally processed. This means your pet is getting the full spectrum of nutrients in their most natural form.

Natural dog food typically includes high-quality proteins, fresh vegetables, and healthy fats, providing a balanced and wholesome meal.


2. No Artificial Additives

A significant advantage of natural dog food is what it doesn't contain – artificial additives.

Processed dog food often relies on synthetic preservatives, colours, and flavours to extend shelf life and enhance palatability.

Natural dog food, on the other hand, relies on the freshness of its ingredients, so you can say goodbye to unnecessary chemicals in your pet's diet.


3. Improved Digestibility

If your dog has a sensitive stomach, a natural dog food can be easier to digest compared to other more highly processed foods.

The minimal processing of fresh ingredients means they retain more of their natural enzymes and nutrients, making it gentler on your dog's stomach and potentially reducing digestive issues.


4. Allergen-Friendly

If your dog has food allergies or sensitivities, natural dog food can be a game-changer. With a shorter list of ingredients and no artificial additives, it's easier to identify and eliminate potential allergens from your pet's diet.


5. Tailored to Your Dog's Needs

One size doesn't fit all when it comes to dog food. Natural dog food offers the flexibility to tailor your pet's diet to their specific needs. Whether your dog needs a special diet for weight management, allergies, or age-related issues, natural dog food can be customized to fit the bill.


6. Enhanced Flavor

Dogs love the taste of real, fresh ingredients. You'll likely notice your furry friend's excitement at mealtime when they enjoy the flavors of real meat, fresh vegetables, and wholesome grains. A happy dog is often a healthy dog!


Making the Switch to a Natural Fresh Dog Food

Transitioning your dog to a natural diet is a positive step towards providing them with optimal nutrition and well-being. As you make this change, it's essential to do so gradually to allow your dog's digestive system to adjust.

At Bowlsome, we're passionate about creating natural dog food and its many benefits. Our range of delicious varieties is carefully formulated with premium, locally sourced proteins, along with fresh fruits and vegetables. We believe in the power of fresh, natural ingredients to support your dog's health and happiness.

Ready to make the switch to a natural, preservative free, high protein dog food? Explore Bowlsome's selection and embark on a journey to better nutrition for your beloved pet.


This is part 1 of our 'Foundations of Nutrition Series', read part 2 here

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