Bowlsome is brought to you by an experienced team of food manufacturers and pet nutritionists who have been making Natural Dog Food for over 28 years.

After years of listening to what consumers are looking for, we have dreamed of a platform where we can rapidly meet their needs and wants.

And so, we bring you Bowlsome.

Family owned and run natural pet food manufacturing for over 28 years

Established leading expertise in making natural dog food that provides quality nutrition to dogs

Track record of dogs living a longer happier and healthier life on natural dog food diets

As passionate dog lovers we believe in nutrition that comes from nature, and that the best diet is the one that is sustainable for the pet, owner, and the environment

Three dogs being fed Bowlsome dog food

Our Beliefs

At Bowlsome, our beliefs are deeply rooted in a simple yet profound philosophy: every dog deserves the best. We believe that pet nutrition should be both a source of joy and a cornerstone of well-being. That's why we're dedicated to creating delicious, nutritious, and thoughtfully crafted single-meat protein meals that cater to the unique needs and preferences of every dog. Our belief in quality, freshness, and sustainability drives us to use locally sourced, high-quality ingredients, ensuring that every bite reflects our commitment to your pet's health and happiness. We are here to simplify pet nutrition, foster the bond between you and your furry companion, and make every mealtime a moment of pure delight.

Close-up of dog eating Bowlsome dog food

Our mission

At Bowlsome we are dedicated to feeding dogs. We know that pet nutrition can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming, so we are here to keep it simple. We offer novel and sustainable single meat proteins, in a range of unique and delicious formats to cater for all canine tastes and preferences. Bowlsome allows you to create a wholesome bowl of delicious, nutritious food and have it delivered straight to your door for a great price.

Pouch of dog food that reads "Bowlsome - Wholesome Dog Food, Turkey Bowl"

The Bowlsome Product Promise

  • Wholesome, natural, complete and balanced dog food
  • Made from local, fresh ingredients
  • Clean, single meat protein, recipes
  • No added nasties
  • Made locally, in purpose built, audited and certified, premium pet food facility.
  • All products are formulated to meet AAFCO nutritional requirements.
  • Regulated by the PFIAA
  • Australian made and owned
  • Money back guarantee
Dog with a badge that reads 'Trialed & Tested by Australia's fussiest dogs'

The solution for fussy dogs

Trialled and tested on Australia’s fussiest dogs

At Bowlsome, we've made it our mission to cater to the unique preferences of fussy dogs. We know they crave variety in flavour, texture options, and the highest quality ingredients. That's why our meals feature a range of delectable tastes and textures, all crafted with premium, locally sourced ingredients. We focus on single-meat proteins to simplify the ingredient list, and our commitment to freshness ensures every bite is enticing.

Our recipes provide balanced nutrition, without artificial additives, to support your dog's overall health. Our great range of formats and flavours allows you to customise the perfect wholesome bowlsome of tasty food for your fussy pooch. Our clean bowl guarantee means you can try it today with no risk!

View our meals
Dog sitting at the table waiting for food

Kind words

"Ernie can’t get enough of Bowlsome! He start's circling my feet at 5pm because he is ready to woof down his next wholesome bowl of deliciousness! I love it how Bowlsome offers plenty of variety so he never gets bored and he loves all the compliments on his shiny coat down at the dog park!"

- Ernie's Dad

Certification badges

Safe & Certified

Premium Dog Food Made in our SQF & PFIAA Certified Facility

Bowlsome Dog Food is brought to you by a team with over 28 years of experience creating natural dog foods for the Australian market. Our premium recipes are made in a purpose-built facility, SQF and PFIAA certified for quality and safety. Trust Bowlsome to provide your dog with the nourishment they deserve, knowing that our products are held to the highest standards.