Sustainable dog food using bugs

Bowlsome Bug Bowl

As responsible pet owners, we're not only concerned about the health of our furry friends but also the impact their food choices have on the planet. At Bowlsome we’re committed to creating sustainable solutions for pet owners. We’ve developed our Bug Bowl to provide you with a way to nourish your dog while reducing their environmental pawprint.

The Rise of Insect-Based Dog Food

Insect-based dog food might sound unconventional, but it's an eco-friendly and nutritious alternative to traditional animal protein sources. At Bowlsome, we're embracing this this innovative and sustainable protein option, and here's why it's a choice you can feel good about:

  1. Lower Environmental Pawprint: Producing insect-based dog food requires significantly less water, land, and food than traditional livestock.

    Insects are incredibly efficient at converting feed into protein, making them a more sustainable choice for a growing population of pet owners concerned about the environmental impact of their pet's diet.

  2. Restoring balance through circular food production: Unlike traditional livestock farming, insect farming is highly efficient in terms of resource utilization and emits far fewer carbon emissions. Insects, such as black soldier fly larvae, require minimal water, land, and feed compared to traditional livestock, making their production process inherently more sustainable. Furthermore, insects can thrive on organic waste materials, helping to reduce the environmental burden associated with waste disposal.

  3. Exceptional Nutritional Profile: Insects are a rich source of essential nutrients, including high-quality protein, healthy fats, and vitamins. They offer a complete amino acid profile, making insect-based dog food an ideal ingredient for a balanced pet diet.

  4. Novel Protein = Hypoallergenic Benefits: Insect-based proteins offer significant advantages for dogs with food allergies or sensitivities. Traditional animal proteins, such as beef, chicken, and fish, are common allergens for dogs, and many pets suffer from adverse reactions like skin irritations, gastrointestinal issues, or chronic itching when exposed to these allergens.

    Insect protein, however, is considered hypoallergenic due to its novel nature. Dogs are less likely to have encountered insects as a food source in their evolutionary history, making them less prone to developing allergies to insect proteins. This makes insect-based dog food a valuable option for pet owners looking to provide a nutritious and hypoallergenic diet for their furry companions.

  5. Highly digestible: Insect-based protein stands out as a highly digestible option for dogs. Insects, such as black soldier fly larvae, have a nutritional composition that closely matches the amino acid profile that dogs require for optimal health. This means that dogs can efficiently break down and absorb the essential nutrients from insect-based protein, promoting better digestion and nutrient utilization.

    Additionally, the protein in insects is generally more bioavailable compared to some plant-based protein sources, making it an excellent choice for dogs with sensitive stomachs or food allergies. As a result, insect protein not only offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly protein source but also provides a digestible and nutritious option to support the well-being of our canine companions.

  6. Ethical and Humane: Insect-based dog food is often regarded as a more ethical and humane choice compared to traditional livestock farming practices. This is because it involves minimal harm to animals, as insects are typically considered to have lower levels of consciousness.

By opting for insect-based protein, pet owners can contribute to more compassionate and responsible food sourcing, aligning with values of animal welfare in the pet food industry.Insect-based dog food production is often regarded as more humane compared to traditional livestock farming practices, aligning with Bowlsome's values of promoting animal welfare.


Bowlsome Bug Bowls: Australia’s most sustainable pet food

Bowlsome’s Bug Bowl is an Aussie first, and a breakthrough in canine taste and nutrition!

We’ve crafted Australia’s first insect-based protein dog food, crafted into a delicious casserole. This sustainable and eco-friendly protein source is not only kind to the planet, but packed full of essential nutrients to boost your dog’s wellbeing and vitality.

This unique formulation brings a tasty twist to your dog’s mealtime and offers a scrumptious and nutritious alternative that supports their health and satisfies their tastebud.

Bowlsome’s Bug Bowl is perfect for environmentally conscious pet owners, and a tasty step forward in pet food, we’re proving that sustainability can be embraced - deliciously!


Join the Bowlsome Sustainable Movement

By choosing Bowlsome's insect-based dog food options, you're not just providing your pet with a nutritious meal; you're also supporting a more sustainable future for pets and the planet. Join us in making a pawsitive impact—one bowl at a time.

At Bowlsome, we're dedicated to delivering the best in pet nutrition while minimizing our environmental footprint. Our product development team is working hard to add more delicious formats and varieties to our insect-based protein range. We can’t wait for you to join us on the journey toward a more sustainable and wholesome pet diet.

Explore Bowlsome's insect-based dog food options. 

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