Our Meals

Our meals have been categorised by meal type and by protein. Explore our ranges below.

Bowlsome Beef Bowl - Premium Single Protein Dog Food

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Bowls - Bowls of deliciouness

The ultimate in taste, convenience and nutrition. Each Bowlsome Bowl of goodness is packed full of fresh local meat and veg, then slow-cooked to perfection to deliver all the natural goodness and flavour!

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Bowlsome Kangaroo Meatballs - Premium, Fresh Dog Food

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Balls - Fresh Meatballs

Our premium and fresh natural meatballs. Lovingly created with locally sourced fresh meat and veg, fruits and grains. Gently cooked then snap-frozen to lock in the natural goodness!

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Beef Bobs - Freeze Dried Meatballs

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Bobs - Freeze Dried Meatballs

Bobs are the versatile, all-in-one solution to your dog’s dietary needs. These single meat protein freeze-dried meatballs are a game-changer in the world of dog food and treats.

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Keep an eye out for more ranges launching soon!